As Darren stated he was more than a little broken, we had arranged a training session with Dan aswell (unfortunately Tim's work commitments had ruled him out of this training session).
It was decided for me & Dan to stick to the training session as we had planned. We met up at a lay by just up from Okehampton Battle camp. The run planned was a short sharp burst up Rowtor across to West Mill Tor,
a lung busting scramble up Yes Tor an agile sprint across to High Willhays and back again.
In total five hundred Meters of altitude gained from beginning to end and a total distance of approx five and a half miles and we did it in one hour nineteen minutes. Not bad.
A beautiful day a good training session. I hope Darrens foot mends soon we have all learnt a valuable lesson from his unfortunate circumstances fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Looking forward to when my runing partner is back to health and itching to get back out on the hills.
Heading for the winter hills: should you pack your crampons or micro-spikes?
It’s winter, and you want to stay safe on the hills as snow and ice blanket
the uplands. So should you pack your crampons, or will micro-spikes do the
1 day ago